District Attorney John Kellner

As part of our mission of preventing crime and in an effort to be transparent about what the work we do, members of this office frequently speak to community groups and organizations on a wide variety of topics. This is in addition to the presentations made by our consumer fraud protection director and numerous appearances by the district attorney.

Here are some examples of the community engagement and outreach events:

*Monthly Newsletters


*hate crime information for government employees
* information about our Conviction Review Unit
* presence at career days for high school and college students
* cyber safety for teens at a Youth Conference
* human trafficking for high schools, Chambers & Rotaries
* college safety for a parenting group
* presentations for other local citizen academy groups and alumni
* training health care professionals about documenting injuries
* economic scam education for financial professionals
* mock trial tournaments

* participation on voting rights panel for local access TV


If you are looking for a speaker for your group or event, contact our community engagement director:

Aurora Ogg
office: 720 874 8485
email: [email protected]

We don’t charge a fee, and we tailor presentations to what meets the needs of your group.

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